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Showing posts from January, 2021
MAGNETIC EFFECT OF CURRENT To understand Magnetic effect of current, first we should know  what is the Magnet? Magnet A Magnet is an object which attracts pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt i.e. it applies force on these objects. It has various types. The most common are - Bar Magnet Horse shoe magnet The end of a freely suspended magnet always points towards north – south direction. The end which points towards north is the north pole of the magnet whereas the end which points towards south direction is the south pole of the magnet. If two magnets are placed together with similar poles towards each other, then they repel each other (tends to move away), whereas if two different poles are towards each other, then they attract (tends to move towards each other). Hence, like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other. Magnetic compass It is an instrument consisting of base and a needle. The needle has north and south tip whose north tip is painted red (generally...